casusbene Gmbh
Social Media Marketing Germany

Classic advertising does not work anymore
Conventional advertising does not work in social media marketing.
Particularly with platforms such as Facebook, Google+ or Pinterest you
have to be aware of the fact that this is where people stay in friendly
contact with each other. In such an environment the affinity to
advertising is very low.
Or if you were enjoying sitting in the pub
with friends would you show much interest in the sales rep trying to
sell you a vacuum cleaner there?
Emotionally to succes
In order to arouse people’s interest you have to have the art of awaking
emotions and curiosity. This is the only way to appeal to your target
group and make them enthusiastic. People like sharing this type of
content with their friends. With emotional products you can identify,
boast and make a statement.
A central task is therefore to bring emotion into everyday articles and thus put them in the right light.
Communication on an equal footing
Social media marketing does however change certain paradigms in marketing

Companies used to just proclaim their advertising message and hope the consumers would listen. Now this one-sided form of communication is changing to become a dialogue with the consumers. Via social media channels the customer is in direct contact with the company. A new form of corporate communication is developing.
It is possible here to express both praise and criticism. If people do not react immediately then frustration can build up and boil over. If it is problem which affects many people then you are heading for a “Shitstorm”.
Therefore with communication you have to ensure quick reaction time, talk with the customer and learn how to deal with tips and criticism. It is essential to communicate with the customer on an equal footing.
Interaction with the customers
This new form of corporate communication offers numerous options owing to the direct contact to the target group and the customers.
In particular the possibility to interact directly with the customers can provide a high degree of added value for the company. Whereas products used to be developed based on analyses, experience and prognoses, now the customers can be involved.
Of course certain factors should be considered here and above all a narrow framework should be set for the design area.
Gaining customers and social commerce
If objectives are reached then the way to social commerce is paved.

With this form of gaining customers there is a far higher acceptance with the target group of recommendations from other users. Due to this advance acceptance and trust the threshold for a successful transaction is very low.
After all I can visit many restaurants in a new town but if a friend recommends a certain one then really the choice has already been made.
Social media marketing with casusbene
In order to develop a successful strategy the target group has to be analysed thoroughly.
With the results we give you a proper concept and together with you we work out a strategy. We would also be pleased to incorporate the procedure within the framework of a workshop held at your company.
Social media guidelines which we have produced help companies and their staff to deal with the new medium. Here a framework is provided where communication takes place and rules are defined.
When you carry out the measures we are there to advise and help you so you always have a competent partner by your side.